English translations of Pushkin’s poems 


Translations and Classics

Welcome to our collection of classical works, meticulously translated into English to bring timeless literature closer to you. Below, you’ll find a selection of iconic pieces, organized for easy exploration.

The Little Tragedies

  • Mozart and Salieri
    • Scene 1
    • Scene 2

Poems (Original and Translated)

Russian Classics

  • Анчар (Anchar)
  • Арион (Arion) (2 versions)
  • Бесы (Devils)
  • Брожу ли я вдоль улиц шумных… (Wandering the noisy streets…)
  • Вакхическая песня (Bacchanal Song)
  • Во глубине сибирских руд… (Deep in Siberia’s mines…)
  • Десятая заповедь (The Tenth Commandment)
  • Если жизнь тебя обманет… (Should this life sometime deceive you…) (2 versions)

Seasonal Themes

  • Зимнее утро (Winter Morning)
  • Зимний вечер (Winter Evening) (3 versions)
  • Зимняя дорога (Winter Road)

Romantic and Reflective

  • Я помню чудное мгновенье… (The wondrous moment of our meeting…) (3 versions)
  • К Морю (To the Sea) (2 versions)
  • На холмах Грузии лежит ночная мгла… (On the hills of Georgia lies the covering of night..) (2 versions)

Personal and Philosophical

  • Няне (To My Nanny)
  • О, дева-роза, я в оковах… (Rose-maiden, I am in chains…)
  • Поэт (The Poet)
  • Пока не требует поэта… (While the poet is not required…)
  • Пророк (The Prophet) (2 versions)
  • Что в имени тебе моем?.. (What means my name to you?..) (2 versions)
  • Я вас любил (I Loved You) (7 versions)


  • Талисман (The Talisman) (4 versions)
  • Узник (The Captive)
  • Утопленник (The Drowned)

Explore Further

This collection showcases the timeless elegance of Russian classics and their English translations. Dive into the depth of emotions, philosophy, and beauty that these works offer. Let the words inspire your mind and touch your soul.

Thank you for visiting, and we hope you enjoy this literary journey!
